
New Look Crew & Yacht Profiles Now Live

We are very pleased to unveil our NEW LOOK crew and yacht profiles.

We’ve completely re-designed these so they are easier to read and more aesthetically pleasing.

But, we’ve done more than just a makeover to our crew and yacht profiles. They contain some new features to make them easier to read and improve the value of the information you can find out about potential crew or sailing positions.

A few of the major changes include:

Registered Since & Last Active Dates

At the top right of both crew and yacht profiles you’ll see two new dates: ‘Registered Since’ & ‘Last Active’. These will let you know the last time the crew or yacht owner visited MySail so you can focus on contacting the newest or most active members.

Crew Qualifications On File?

In crew profiles, in the qualifications section, you can easily view if the crew has uploaded their certificate to MySail. Take a look for the check mark which means their certificate is on file. An ‘X’ simply means they haven’t uploaded their certificate to MySail.

If you’re looking for crew with certain qualifications to meet offshore race entry requirements, this is a good area to check so you know you’ll be able to obtain a copy of the crew certificate. (Once you add the crew to your team you’ll have access to this in the Crew Details section – click here to find out more).

Yacht Characteristics

In yacht profiles, you can now select some key characteristics that describe your yacht.

This provides an easy and consistent way to show crew what they can expect when they join your team.

Visit MySail Connect to check out the new profiles now.

PLUS we have more changes in the works for yacht profiles that will make it even easier for yacht owners to connect with new crew, and for sailors to find their perfect crewing position. Stay tuned …

Deborah Dalziel
Deborah Dalziel
Deborah is the founder of MySail and an avid sailor. Her sailing experience encompasses everything from dinghy racing to ocean crossings, including the iconic Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. Deborah is passionate about advancing sailing.

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