
We're Looking for Your Support to Make MySail Even Better in 2019

At MySail, we’re committed to continually improve our platform. We’re currently working on a number of developments to improve how you manage your race schedule, communicate with crew and connect with new sailors.

Your support can help make MySail even better. Although the platform is still free for everyone, you can opt to pay a small monthly or annual fee to support MySail’s development

With your support, we can continue to improve MySail to help sailors everywhere go sailing, simply.

Here’s how you can help:

Pay a Small Monthly or Annul Fee

Sign-up for our new Pay-What-You-Want subscription. You choose whether you’d like to pay annually or monthly, how much to pay and can cancel at anytime. Simply click here to login, click on the Account Settings menu and head to the Payment Details page*.

Send us Your Feedback

Have an idea for a product feature or improvement? You can email it to us anytime at hello@mysail.team. We love hearing from our members and implement new feature ideas or requests as much as possible. Your support through our Pay-What-You-Want plan can help make these happen. 🙂

*We use Stripe’s secure payment processing platform to keep your payment details safe. Terms and Refund Policy available here.

Deborah Dalziel
Deborah Dalziel
Deborah is the founder of MySail and an avid sailor. Her sailing experience encompasses everything from dinghy racing to ocean crossings, including the iconic Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. Deborah is passionate about advancing sailing.
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