
MySail’s NEW Crew Details feature makes crew management event easier for both skippers and crew, with an easy place for crew to store, manage and share safety and sailing details.

Account Settings

MySail’s Account Settings section provides a simple way for crew to save and share information often required for race registration, including:

By using this section, crew have a central place to store important information so it’s easily on-hand for race registration.

Find out more in our Help Centre.

Crew Details

Yacht owners and administrators can view Account Settings information provided by crew in the new Crew Details section, through a link in their Crew List or any Event Management page.

This provides a simple way for skippers to access crew information that’s often required for race registration.

To protect crew’s privacy, these details are not available if the crew status is ‘Pending’ (which means they have not yet accepted the invitation to join your team in MySail).

Crew Notes

Skippers can also enter Crew Notes in the Crew Details page. Crew Notes are private; they are only visible to you or other people who have access to your MySail account. They are not available to other skippers or to the crew themselves.

Crew Notes provides a great place to store any information relating to crew safety (i.e. drugs or medical conditions, allergies, etc.), crew competence (i.e. specific skill sets they have) or anything else that will help you select and manage your team.

Find out more in our Help Centre.

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