
Had Great Sail Through MySail? Leave a Recommendation

You can now leave a recommendation for a crew member or yacht in MySail.

Here’s how it works:

Leave a Recommendation

Head to the crew or yacht profile of the person who you’d like to recommend and click the Recommend button.

Type your recommendation in the modal and click ‘Send Recommendation.’

An email will be sent to the crew or yacht owner to review and approve the recommendation. Once approved, this will be published on the member’s profile along with your name and profile photo.

View and Approve your Recommendation

When someone recommends you, you’ll receive an email to notify you of the new recommendation.

Only you will be able to see this until it’s reviewed and approved. Simply sign into your account, head to your crew or yacht profile and scroll to the recommendation section. Click ‘Publish’ to approve and publish this on your profile, or ‘Delete’ to delete the recommendation.

The person who left the recommendation for you will get a notification email when it’s published, but will not be notified if it was deleted.

Recommend a Crew member or Yacht Now!

What are you waiting for? Head to MySail now to leave a recommendation for your favourite sailor or skipper.

Deborah Dalziel
Deborah Dalziel
Deborah is the founder of MySail and an avid sailor. Her sailing experience encompasses everything from dinghy racing to ocean crossings, including the iconic Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. Deborah is passionate about advancing sailing.

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